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A ruddy, smooth hand with strong and shiny nails is always the desire of many women. Let’s take a look at 6 simple but effective ways to take care of your nails with BEST BEAUTY LOUNGE!

 1.Lime juce

A cheap and easy way to strengthen your nail at home can be created with a bit of lime juice and warm water. Add lime juice to 200 mL of warm water, soak your hand in the solution and let the vitamin C in lime juice take care of your nails

2.Olive Oil

Soak your hands in a mixture of warm water and olive oil for 10-15 minutes. This provides moisture to your nails, warm water helps speed up the absorption of vitamin E in olive oil. 

You can also apply olive oil directly to your fingernails, massage olive oil into the nails and cuticles to lock in moisture, then cover with a pair of cotton gloves and leave it overnight. This method helps you to gain more moisturized fingernails as compared to what you had before.

3. Foods that rich in Vitamin C

Many studies have shown that Vitamin C is essential for nail strength and the formation of collagen, a protein that is building block of fingernails. An adult needs between 75 and 90 mg of vitamin C per day. In addition to citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines, blueberries, etc., which are thought to be rich sources of vitamin C, bell peppers and tomatoes are also very high in this nutrient. Supplementing with Vitamin C by eating these foods is also an easy way to strengthen nails.

4. Moisturizer

Apply moisturizer after each time you do housework so your hands don’t dry out. This is the key to keeping your nails in an ideal condition and avoiding cracking or breaking.

5. Add protein and iron-rich foods to your diet

Nails and hair are made up of many layers of protein, so getting enough protein through your daily diet can help them grow and stay strong.

Iron is at the center of red blood cells, responsible for carrying oxygen to your organs and every cell in your body – including your nails. Since oxygen is needed for healthy nails, iron deficiency or anemia can create vertical ridges in your nails and cause your nails to become concave. So don’t forget to add foods that rich in this nutrient, such as dark green leafy vegetables, beans, meat, fish and eggs, to your daily diet.
You can refer to the “TOP 6 FOODS THAT MAINTAIN HEALTHY STATE OF HUMAN NAILS” that BEST BEAUTY LOUNGE posted to better understand.

6. Baking soda

Baking soda is the magical powder that helps to smoothen your nails. Make a paste of 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water. Rub paste onto your nails, cuticles and hands in a gentle, circular motion to seriously smooth the nail surface.Above are some shares that can help your nails stay strong and healthy in the simplest way.

Visit BEST BEAUTY LOUNGE for more useful articles and the best nail care services.

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